Sunday 26 February 2012

Art of Art

      How great it is from time to time just to let things happen. Yet yesterday evening I had no plans for today, but unexpectedly it's become such a wonderful day: my friend called me last day and suggested to go to a dog exhibition with her. Of course, I couldn't say no and that's how the day began. The dogs were just awesome.

Friday 24 February 2012

Shrove Tuesday

        Generally, there are two categories of people: those, who love carnivals, and those, who hate them. Well, what I've found out today is that I belong to the forst category. It's been fun! And instead of writing much I'd rather show you the pictures.

       Наверное людей можно поделить на две категории: те, которые любят карнавал, и те, которые его ненавидят. Так вот, я,оказывается, отношусь к первым. Сегодня там было очень забавно,по крайней мере. Но вместо писанины я лучше покажу вам фотографии. :)

Monday 20 February 2012

Going carnival

photo source here
   It's Carnival week here now, even though Austrians don't celebrate that much and that's why it's cost me a fortune to convince my boyfriend to take part-he said he has nothing to put on for this occasion. But can't be easier than making a carnival costume for men? Just a hairstyle and some red lipstick on the chin and.. here it is: you're a vampire! (that is exactly what my boyfriend is going to be tomorrow :D)

Walk me!

       Here's just the outfit from yesterday's post about spring music :

Sunday 19 February 2012

Spring playlist

      What can be better than long walks in sunny warm weather? Only long walks in sunny warm weather with groovy music! Strolling in the city I realised, that my playlist got old and neither matches my mood anymore,nor gives me feeling "Love is in the air",you know. I have some favourites,though, which give me energy right now. But I would love to expand the list and probably you could share your current favourites with me? ;)
Here are mine:

Saturday 18 February 2012

Winter Spring


       Yesterday spring came to us, suddenly and unexpectedly. It's been an extremely warm day today, as a prove for that you can see me, wearing a vest instead of a jacket and chucks instead of winter boots. And eating ice-cream. Amazing, isn't it? ;) 

       Вчера к нам пришла весна- такая настоящая, с теплым солнечным светом и весенним воздухом. Такая, какая в России бывает примерно в середине апреля. ;)  Поэтому целый день сегодня мы гуляли и ели первое мороженое на улице в этом году.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Gingerbread hearts

Today I got up at 6 o'clock again. Normally I don't wake up that early,but if I do, know- there's something wrong.
Actually, late in the evening yesterday I realised I can't live without gingerbread cookies anymore. Guess, why I was awake at such an early hour? Right,to bake some gingerbread stuff. :)
And here is the recipe!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

A Day of Red Lipstick

       Again St.Valentine's Day, many of you say.  Those, who don't really like it. Why not then?

Monday 13 February 2012

Do you care? Part I: Hair

      Here I am again. I'm really sorry about my absence in the last few days and the reason is quite plain- just lack of time.But now I'm sooooo glad to back!
Recently I got an idea of writing series of articles about beauty stuff on Sundays. Let's start straightaway then and today's topic is hair care.

     Ура! Вот и закончилась сложная неделя, когда мне,к сожалению, никак не удавалось найти время на написание очередной статьи. И я очень рада вернуться!
Недавно мне пришла идея каждое воскресенье "выпускать" пост о разных бьюти-премудростях. Итак, тема на сегодня (хоть сейчас уже и прошло полтора часа от понедельника) - уход за волосами.  

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Movies of the year

            It's late evening here and I should be actually sleeping, but something made me write my Top 5 Films of the Year. Well, not something, but French "Leon", a film by Luc Besson.  I finished watching only some minutes ago and can confidently say - it belongs to the top-list. This year's generally been the year of French films, with one exception. What I like about them is a special ambiance, brought by play of light and shadow, perfectly suiting to every single moment music. They give a feeling of "enhanced" reality. So, here they are..

Monday 6 February 2012

Peacock castle

             As I promised once to continue walks through the city, today we're heading for a place in Graz, where you can find a castle, surrounded by a park with peacocks walking - Schloß Eggenberg. It's located almost on the borderline of city, in front of the mountains. I don't think, I should tell you the history,but if you are interested, then read it here: Eggenberg Castle, Graz. Let me just say, it's one of the greatest parks I've even seen. And now you'll understand why...

            В продолжение темы прогулок по городу сегодня мы отправляемся одно чудное место в Граце,где есть все, что нужно настоящей принцессе - замок, окруженный парком с гуляющими в нем павлинами: в Замок Эггенберг. История его создания довольно занимательна (особенно часть, касающаяся архитектуры), можете почитать здесь Замок Эггенберг, Википедия. К тому же, я бы сказала, это один из самых красивых парков, которые мне удалось посетить. И вот почему...

Sunday 5 February 2012

Where dreams may come

 In the very beginning I was going to write about our dinner out with the family of my boyfriend (yeah, we are still celebrating Birthday!), but then I met a friend of mine and decided to talk about pets.

My friend - a funny guy

Saturday 4 February 2012

Once upon a Saturday

Today's look
          This weekend I'm at my boyfriend's parents' house in Upper Austria. They have a tradition to meet their friends every Saturday at 11 o'clock in a cafe in the centre of town. I suppose, they've been doing that for over 30 years! So we were there, chatting with friends and I suddenly realised, that I forgot my body cream at home and took just my face cream. Surely, we went immediately to the drugstore and popped in to some other shops on the way there. ;)

The girl, who went up a hill, but came down a mountain

          Do you happen to have a special place in the city, where you live? Where you always enjoy the beauty, independent of how the weather is? A place, that means a lot to you?

         Есть ли у вас такое место в вашем городе, которое вам особенно дорого? Где вы всегда чувствуете себя уютно и спокойно, несмотря на то, что происходит вокруг? 

Friday 3 February 2012

Just cook it!

           Today it's kind of morning, when you wake up very early with a lot of energy and manage to do thousands of things! So did I, woke up at 6 and baked apple turnovers, made with puff pastry. So here's the recipe for you - enjoy cooking!

          Чудесное утро! Сегодня я встала рано-рано и уже успела испечь слойки с яблоками.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

These little wonders

Music of the day
Yann Tiersen - La Terrasse
            Sometimes little things in the morning can make your whole day. I've started the first day of February with a cup of rose blossom tea,I bought yesterday and a traditional Austrian "Krapfen".

            Иногда мелочи с утра делают вас счастливыми на целый день. Для меня первый день ферваля начался с чашечки чая из розовых бутонов, которой я купила вчера и традиционного австрийского пончика. 

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