Sunday 5 February 2012

Where dreams may come

 In the very beginning I was going to write about our dinner out with the family of my boyfriend (yeah, we are still celebrating Birthday!), but then I met a friend of mine and decided to talk about pets.

My friend - a funny guy

Unfortunately, it's not my dog, but our neighbours' one. He is so friendly and smart, you can't just believe it! I always come closer to the house when I'm walking down the street (that happens not very often though).

I've been dreaming about a dog since I can remember myself and exactly about a beige Labrador. Why not? Well, not now. It's like planning to have children (although I don't have any yet), in one moment you have to stop thinking about the conseqenses and just make it real, otherwise it will never happen. Once, when I have a husband and a house, we'll manage to get one. But now I'll keep dreaming...


What pets do you have?
Or probably you still have some special dreams from your childhood?

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