Saturday 3 March 2012


       As I told you previously in the post about my spring resolutions, I bought new pants in fuchsia. And to tell the truth, I was pretty sure to bring them back the next day as I won't dare to put on them on. But I absolutely fell in love with them as soon as I saw how perfectly they go with my fuchsia lipstick. You know how it can be, when you buy a thing you like and just can't wait to try it out but something goes wrong, don't you?

      Yesterday the temperature in Graz was +24 degrees, but I had to work, so there was no way to wear the trousers. And in the evening we went to Upper Austria, as planned before. Imagine, somewhere on our way there was still snow, but I took only shoes, a couple of dresses for BBP (Big Birthday Party), where I'm going now and new pants, hoping to take some pictures today. Not even socks! How surprising it was to see only 6 degrees on the thermometer! By chance I packed my coat, but nevertheless I looked funny, wearing it with a couple of spring shoes and fuchsia trousers.

     But don't worry, in the sun it wasn't that cold. :D
Now I'm going to BBP, am responsible for taking pictures. Wish you all a good evening,guys!

Сейчас убегаю на вечеринку, добавлю перевод на русский через пару часов! Пока, удачного вечера!


  1. Those fuchsia trousers look a-ma-zing on you!

    1. Sometimes spontaneous decision is the best decision. :)

  2. очень красивые фотографии! тебе очень идет!)
    если не секрет, ты на какой фотоаппарат фотографируешь?

    1. Спасибо!
      Фотографирую на Canon IXUS 130, но планирую качественно развиваться :))

  3. да, Настя! Карен права, брючки-чудо, как хороши на тебе ;)

    1. Я теперь в них тоже души не чаю! ))

  4. You look amazing dear!
    Gorgeous blog! Following you via bloglovin! Follow back? <3

  5. You look so great, dear Anastasia, you're a really beautiful girl! And your trousers are pretty, too ;)
    Cannot believe that there were 24°C! We have about 10°C where I live, that's not fair.
    Where from Russia are you from, if I may ask? I think that you don't look typically Russian.

    1. We had this weather just for 1 day! But it's generally very warm in Graz because of the mountains around.
      Originally I'm from Yekaterinburg, you? And how does a typical Russian look like, hm? :D
      You, probably, know the song ;)

  6. Lovely outfit! The color of your pants and lipstick is gorgeous!!
    Ylenia / Ambitieuse

  7. Hallo! Endlich bin ich dazu gekommen, deine Antwort auf meinen vorherigen Post hier nachzusehen^^
    Ich kenne das Lied übrigens nicht und finde es sehr schwer verständlich, hab grad nach dem Text geschaut; es ist ziemlich lustig, ich stehe total auf Klischees :)
    Wie eine typisch russische Frau aussieht, weiß ich nicht, es ist sehr schwer, sowas herauszufinden, aber manchmal sieht man jemanden und hat so ein Gefühl und das Gefühl bestätigt sich dann, kennst du's auch?
    Ich bin selbst in Kischinjow aufgewachsen, bin aber als Kind nach Deutschland gekommen, deshalb weiß ich über die moderne Pop-Kultur in Russland kaum etwas, aus diesem Grund war mir auch das Lied nicht bekannt.
    Wünsche dir noch einen schönen Tag!


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