Tuesday 19 June 2012

Good End of a Good Day

How great it is at the end of a busy day to drink a cup of herbal tea with rosebuds,sitting in the room where the air is filled with sweet smell of fresh peonies. Enjoy your evening!

Как приятно завершить насыщенный день сидя за чашкой травяного чая с лепестками розы в комнате, насквозь пропахшей свежими пионами. Чудесного вечера! 

Music/ Музыка: Song from the secret garden


  1. Those peonies look great. Love the hot pink colour!

    1. You can't see it on the picture, but there's also one white peony and one purple. :)

  2. Ciao!! I really agree with you ;) Very nice blog and this photo! I'm your new follower with google friends...if you want I'll be happy if you follow me back...we could also follow each other with bloglovin if you want,let me know,kiss! Paolo


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